Go green with FOVPS,
Recycle your plastic & bring a reusable mug for takeaway drinks
We’re changing the way we sell takeaway hot drinks.
To reduce our environmental impact, we’re asking our customers to bring a re-usable thermal mug for takeaway hot drinks, and claim a 25p discount.
Thank you, let’s make a difference together!
Recycle your plastic packaging
FOVPS have signed up to the Terracycle programme who collect hard to recycle plastic packaging process it to return to the production cycle. We will receive points per kilo of waste to translate into funds for FOVPS. We made over £50 in our first year of running the schemes.
We have a dedicated collection point in the lobby of the Community Building. It’s now even easier to drop-off your waste in our new recycling boxes.
We collect the following plastic elements only – please check exactly what is accepted by clicking the links below. Then remove any cardboard and paper and make sure packets are empty and clean. Thank you!
Ferrero Rocher boxes, plastic inserts & aluminium wrappers
BabyBel nets, wax & plastic packaging
If anyone would like to volunteer to help monitor and process the waste, especially if you are looking for a volunteer role for a Duke of Edinburgh Award or similar scheme, please email info@fovps.org.uk
*We can not accept empty pill packets, toothpaste tubes, bottle lids, bread bags or anything not on the specific lists below, and as we have to pay for waste disposal, please do not leave any incorrect items, thanks.
Many of these can now be taken to supermarkets or other locations for recycling.
Check out the Teracycle Website to find locations for other products locally.